
Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Time to Shine....

It's truly humbling to think that we are given a fresh lot of 24 hours neatly packaged in 60 minute intervals, divided into seconds, every day. And we claim to be conscious of this time. We mourn its quick passing and its wasted opportunity as we make our daily rounds. The truth is that the length of a minute depends entirely on which side of the bathroom door you're on. Time is relative. Relative to how you feel you are spending it. Time flies when you're having fun or afraid of some impending fate. Time drags when you yearn for your lover or your lunch. Boredom freezes time in place and eternity seems like a possibility, but by tomorrow that same eternity seems like it was a distant memory from your past.
First I ask you to meditate on time. The time we have right now, and the time we may have ahead of us. Think in seconds, minutes and hours. Leave days for reflection on at their own ending.


Now forget time awhile.....

Think on you. Who are you? Are you the boy or the girl in the mirror? Are you the child or the adult? Are you the person who feels insecure about your large thighs or your freckled face? Are you really what you think others see in you?

Don't be afraid. Your thoughts are your own. Trust that you will not expose them to a critical eye.

When you dream of yourself in your own life what do you see? Your dream's great isn't it?
The one where you are happy, loved, courageous, peaceful, powerful and graceful. In your dream you are all the things your heart truly desires.... Not the material things, no- those feelings and states that connect you with your inner fire rather. Those feelings of joy that threaten to bubble forth and those latent urges to jump in the puddle or sing that tune with all your heart- the desires that push to be released..

Now be honest. Acknowledge the doubt that springs up and see through it. It is not you. You are not the weak or weary facade. You are those deep, pit-of-your-stomach sensations of inspiration that reside inside of you. Are you?
Ask yourself:


Why not?

Who is holding me back from my own joy? My own fulfillment? My own happiness? My own greatness?

If the answer is not "me" then you are not yourself. You are what they are telling you to be. Do they really know you? Of course not.

So I ask again:
Who are you? Who do you feel you are inside? Are these two people one and the same?

Now, again, be honest. And think on these words:

"It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn't serve the world. There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do."

Let us return to time.
We have it. It happens with us in every second. What are we doing with it?
Are we filling it with suppressed joy and false fears? Are we questioning our ability and feeding our insecurities? What are we afraid of in every little moment?

Only you can speak for yourself. You may listen to others and let them define you. Or you can listen to your heart and be yourself.

"You must have control of the authorship of your own destiny. The pen that writes your life story must be held in your own hand."

In the end, being yourself is not a state that you wish to attain. Rather it is a day by day, hour by hour and minute by minute realisation that you are not bound by weakness but are actually capable of moving towards your own greatness- your own light, by letting go of your doubts.

So what will you do with your next few minutes?