I saw him next, fully armed with my self-righteous anger. And my immediate instincts were to ignore him. To visibly show my displeasure. To make him feel, somehow, even a small part of the pain and the hurt. He approached, with what seemed to me, an air of guilt and deceit around him. He spoke to me in his usual honey sweet way but for some reason, this time, it nauseated and cloyed my mind. My heart flared up with disgust. And then the strangest thing happened.
I saw it in his eyes. It stopped me mid-charge as I rushed to make him feel my pain. I saw…hurt. I had succeeded before I even realised it. He could sense that something was wrong and his usually bubbly state was reduced to an anxious gaze and a slightly forced smile. Unfortunately for him, his decision to tell me even more ‘bad news’ resulted in my anger taking over again. And I automatically assumed (imagined) that he was lying to me. Once again, no proof needed. I successfully ignored him for the rest of the hour. When he came up to say goodbye, purposefully coming close and touching my arm gently, to force me to look into his eyes, I turned a cold glare and a stone smile on him.
Bad idea.
My heart broke. Those golden-hazel eyes bored right through me and the realisation of my stupidity flashed through my mind in a million disjointed pictures- like a giant mash-up of all the shit that my jealous imagination had fed me. And I realised that I, by myself, at the command of my jealousy, had created the very monster that I claimed to be fighting. I had completed the self-fulfilling prophecy. My actions towards him had hurt him and he had put his guard up. He erected those walls between me and him because he was being attacked. And now they became real. They moved from the realm of my imagination into his feelings and his very real reactions. I imagined them, and they came to life.
So you see: jealousy is creative. It builds castles in the sky and then makes you pay the rent in pain and suffering. But how to defeat the green eyed monster? To kill the demon within?
I firmly believe it begins with the realisation that your feelings are your own. No person can ever put their feelings inside of you. You are the gate keeper. You are the one who decides how you will react to each and every visiting emotion. And there are ways in which you can do this.
Self-reflection is one. It is the longest and the most difficult process of the lot but it is more rewarding and stable than all the others put together. It begins with questions. Honest questions to your heart and your mind. Questions that make you look at yourself from a perspective other than your own instinctual nature. Why? How?
Relinquish control of the outside world; it is only an illusion of control. You cannot physically make anyone love you. You cannot bend their emotions or their will. But you can mend your own. You can decide how you will react, and how you will feel. You are the master of your own ship. When you so firmly enmesh yourself in the imaginings of your jealousy you are giving away your power to that emotion. Those ideas in your head are fantasies. They are not real. They can never truly represent or understand what is actually occurring. So put them in a glass box. Examine where they come from. Why do you feel jealous? What is the cause of the jealousy? What is the purpose of the jealousy? How is it serving you right now? Realise that you cannot control the act of feeling jealous in the first instance. Something sparks it off and only then do you become aware of it. But now that you are aware of it, you can choose how to react.
What would have happened had I chosen to react differently? If I had tried my hardest to put aside my feelings and genuinely greet my friend? That hurt that he experienced would not have been caused by me, and he would not have retreated to behind his walls. And my jealous imagination would not have been validated. It would be disproved, giving me back the power. When we engage in this kind of conscious thought we can build strong, beautiful relationships because we make others feel safe. We allow them to learn to love us because we make them feel that we are a safe haven for their love and respect. Focus on what you’re doing instead of what you think they are doing.
Here’s a question for you to think about:
Are our emotions the consequences or the causes of how we are thinking?